Sunday 8 March 2015

Projecting Professionalism When You Communicate

Different rules are applied when projecting professionalism through different forms of communication. For each of the tools below you will learn the requirements of maintaining a professional message.

Speech Habits – Use sophisticated vocabulary to effective deliver a verbal message. Maintain maturity through speech and always use polite language.

E-mail – Ensure e-mails are concise and deliberate. Avoid abbreviations, and always use correct spelling and grammar.

E-mail addresses – All e-mail addresses are to contain a name, business title or relative business expression. Use of nicknames is highly unprofessional in the workplace.

Voice mail – Always leave your name and phone number so that the receiver of the message can reply when possible. Briefly describe the reason for your call.

Telephone – When expecting a business phone call make sure that you are in a quiet setting so that there are no background noises throughout the call.

Cellphones – Ensure that your cellphone is silent in the workplace, unless you receive specific authorization to make calls. When using the cellphone always go to a private setting.

Texting – Appropriate language and spelling is to be used when sending necessary business texts. Avoid texting in any other business scenario.

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