Sunday 8 March 2015

Functions of Non Verbal Communication

Non verbal communication helps convey further meaning from what is said. Understanding the following functions of non verbal communication can help you deliver more powerful messages and better understand the intentions of the people around you.

Non verbal communication can be used to:

Visually describe – This puts further emphasis on verbal descriptions. For example someone may hold their arms out wide when describing something very large.

Demonstrate mood or importance – Different tones are often used for different purposes. Projecting ones voice can show the importance of an issue at hand, whereas whispering demonstrates secrecy. Facial expressions also tend to display someone's emotional attachment to a message.

Replace words – Certain gestures carry specific meanings. A wave can demonstrate a greeting in the same way that pumping one's fist can demonstrate their passion for a topic.

Visual Cues – Certain body language can be a signal to someone who is delivering message, letting them know how to continue the conversation. For example nodding your head can send a message of understanding, signalling the person to continue what they're saying.

Sarcasm – It is common for people to say the opposite of what they mean. People generally rely on tone and body language to send sarcastic messages, which contradict what is actually said.

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